Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arabian Days

Hello friends, hope all of you are doing great.  It has been more than 1 month that I left Delhi.  I am slowly settling down to the rhythm of new country, new culture and new work.  My new job involves copious amount of 2 activities, primarily SAM n SAF.  I have been trying to master the intricacies involved in getting an expertise in these 2 entities.

1.        SAM:  Stands for staring at the monitor.  When you have not much to do and have time to kill, this is what you do.  There are many functions in excel and word which I have never used, so trying to learn them now. 
2.       SAF:  I have been handed 8 files till now, which are to be kept in my control.  Just going through them again and again because of lack of anything else to do. 
3.       SL:  I have just started maintaining a staring log, which can guide me over the areas I can stare at different times, for eg, during morning while involved in SAM, I will be staring sidewise occasionally.  Similarly during SAF in the evening, I will be staring straight ahead like trying to remember something or trying to connect dots……:)

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