Saturday, July 20, 2013

What I saw

Went out for an evening walk with my roommate, actually it was supposed to be a jog, but temperature of 40 degree centigrade coupled with extreme humidity meant that we had to temper our jog to a walk.  By the time we reached the seashore, we were drenched in sweat, then I saw something which made me jump the boundary wall and move to the edge of the shore..........

A bed of blue
Simmering with life
Yet calm and serene
No sign of strife

Fishes galloped up in air
Seagulls dived in, might have caught a pair
Men with fishing hooks sat ashore
Cats were their company, needn't any one more

The cool wind blowing
took my breath away
I knew I had just seen

The Great Painter’s display


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